What a Super Boy!!!
Pre School Graduation
May 19th at the Robinson Building
Mindy's Learning Adventure Preschool 2009-2010
For a mom preschool graduation is a huge step in their child's life. It's one step closer to full day school, which is one step closer to adolescence, which is one step closer to a mission, which is one step closer to being on their own. Needless to say, it was a huge emotional step for me, but I didn't know just how important this day was for Tate.
We sent out little invitations just to be cute, but I didn't expect anyone to really show up at the Robinson Building. The day of his graduation Tate and I were working in the yard and he said, "I can't believe that my cousins, my aunts and uncles, and my grandma and grandpa will be there to see me."
"Uh, oh!" I thought. Doug and Debbie had let me that they had a family funeral to go to and they felt bad they couldn't come. I told them not to worry because we didn't really expect anyone. I told Tate about the funeral and he began to breath hard.
"Well, can we invite another grandma and grandpa to come?"
I told Tate that mom and dad would probably be the only ones there. He said, "Well, all my cousins, and aunts and uncles are invited. Will you call Grandma and Grandpa Haworth and tell them to come?"
He begged and begged but I was worried about being annoying and interrupting their evening so I let Tate know that it would just be us. He was disappointed, but excited about graduation. Just the week before graduation we were getting ready for bed and he said, "Mom, I'm going to graduate with honors. Mom, I'm going to graduate with high honors because I want you to be proud of me. On Spiderman Peter Parker graduated with high honors and I'm going to too!" (Tate loves Super Heroes)
Tate was so fun to watch during Pre school graduation. I was incredibly amazed watching him on stage because the kids were all so cute, but Tate was really mature. I almost wanted him to do some of the cute little things that everyone else was innocently doing, but I realized he was almost a full year older than all the kids and it really showed that night. I'd kind of forgotten he was older until I saw him with all the other students. I'm excited and think we made a good decision in keeping him back.
After the program was over we turned around to find, Grandma and Grandpa Haworth!!!!They remembered and Tate just lite up. He had felt like a superstar and he wanted to share it with more than just his mom and dad. Grandma handed Tate a graduation letter and inside was $1.oo. It was so special. How often does someone get the privilege of having their Great Grandparents there to support them.
After Tate got home he got a graduation present from us. It was a Superman Costume because we thought he was so super in school this year. Tate kept saying, "How did you know I wanted a superman costume?" That night he prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for his costume, for helping him graduate with honors, (because he got two pieces of paper where a lot of the kids only got one), and that his grandma and grandpa Haworth came just for him. It was so fun to see how much Tate thought about his graduation. It truly was his special day.